Antigal Uno Rose 750ml
Hand-harvested high-elevation red grapes were gently processed and blended to create a fresh, well-rounded Rosé. The grapes we use for our Rosé are harvested earlier. In this way we achieve greater freshness and roundness, obtaining soft and delicate tannins. To keep astringency in check, maceration of the meticulously sorted clusters was brief. Temperatures during fermentation were kept between 59-64°F (°C) to promote the role of selected yeasts in the formation not only of alcohol but also of fresh and fruit-driven wine aromas.
Stainless steel aging protected those vibrant aromas. Antigal UNO Rosé presents a bright light-cherry color with salmon-colored tones. On the nose are aromas of fresh red fruits such as strawberry, cherry, and raspberry, with a slight note of vanilla. On the palate this wine is fresh and harmonious with an excellent acid balance. To pair this Rosé, we recommend salads, fish and seafood, pasta, and desserts.