Chairman's Reserve White Rum 700ml

Chairman's Reserve White Rum 700ml

Chairman's Reserve White Rum 700ml

Chairman's Reserve White Rum is a popular rum produced by St. Lucia Distillers, based in the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. It is a well-regarded brand known for its quality and craftsmanship in rum production.

Chairman's Reserve White Rum is crafted using a blend of molasses-based rums that have been column distilled. It undergoes a unique charcoal filtration process to achieve its smooth and refined character. The rum is aged for a short period in oak casks, which imparts subtle flavors and complexity while maintaining its clear and transparent appearance.

The flavor profile of Chairman's Reserve White Rum is typically described as light, clean, and crisp. It offers a balance of fruity and floral notes, with hints of tropical fruits, citrus, and a touch of vanilla. The rum has a relatively mild sweetness and is known for its smooth and easy-drinking nature.

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