Chivas Regal 12yo 700ml

Chivas Regal 12yo 700ml

Chivas Regal 12yo 700ml


Chivas 12 is a classic for a reason. Made up of the finest malt and grain Scotch whiskies, this 12-year-old blended Scotch whisky is our signature blend – and never fails to deliver. Because success is a blend, in life and in Scotch.

Only the finest malt and grain whiskies lie within Chivas 12. Within the 12-year-old Scotch whiskies that go into our signature blend, you’ll find Strathisla single malt, Strathclyde single grain and more to create a whisky that’s remarkably smooth.

Distinctive Speyside flavours of crisp orchard fruits and wild heather can be found in every sip of Chivas 12, with a rich and generous taste that’s synonymous with our house style.

ABV: 40%

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