The Epicurean Scotch Whisky 700ml
The Epicurean Scotch Whisky 700ml
The Epicurean is a blend of some of the finest Lowland Malts, a marriage of the best that the East and West of Scotland have to offer. This small batch bottling is proudly without coloring or chill-filtration. It is zesty, fruity, fresh, and vibrant - the life and soul of the party!
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The "Lowland" Epicurean joins Douglas Laing's regional range of colourfully packaged drams including "Timorous Beastie" from the Highlands, "Scallywag" from Speyside, "Rock Oyster" from the Islands and "Big Peat" from Islay. The packaging features the Epicurean himself, with no attention to detail spared, from the cocktail shaker, crystal decanter and barley husk illustrations, to the charmingly rhythmic pack copy that matches the whisky style and well and truly brings the spirit and its namesake to life.
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