Glenmorangie Tale of Winter Whisky 700ml
In December 2021, Glenmorangie launched the distillery’s latest limited edition, Scotch Whisky - A Tale of Winter. This 13-year-old single malt had been envisioned by Dr. Bill, the Distillery’s creative Director of Whisky. The view was to embrace the dreamy and heavenly feeling of sitting cozily in front of the fireplace as the playful snow covers the landscape outside.
Like A Tale Of Cake, this bottle is brightly colored, and the label is decorated with a knitted sweater design. It would not be wrong to get indulged in a bit of exploratory Glenmorangie. You can not resist your urge to feel this heavenly drink when you trip over it.
This finely aged 92 Proof whisky finishes its undergoes its maturing in barrels of Marsala wine from Sicily. As the name suggests, this limited edition from Glenmorangie evolves with profound notes and aromas remindful of winter. Its appearance is that of a prominent amber shade.
A tint of nail polish remover with a lemon smell opens the nostrils. Despite being strong, it is not harsh; rather, it is more delicate. The flavor of vanilla bean clings to the mouth like custard. The aroma makes me think of a festive spiced fruit cake. Orange slices and dried apricots mix together. Clove and allspice add depth and warmth, respectively.
If you take a sip, your expression would be "Ooooooh." The whisky has the warmth and lightness of a comfortable sweater. On the palate, the orange slices from the nose are vivid. Demerara sugar aids in extracting the vanilla bean while not overly sweetening the dram. Clove, allspice, and a cinnamon stick are among the spices that abound in the whisky.