Johnnie Walker Blue Label Elusive Umami 750ml
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Elusive Umami is a limited-edition release crafted by our Master Blender Emma Walker and renowned Japanese Chef Kei Kobayashi, who joined forces and years of expertise to create this exquisite Blend Scotch Whisky that encapsulates the enigmatic taste of umami. A Japanese word used to identify the 'fifth taste', umami is an enigmatic flavor that possesses mysterious qualities.
This limited-edition Whisky embraces the world of taste in a pioneering expression from Johnnie Walker Blue Label, inspired by one of the world's most hard-to-define and alluring profiles — umami.
Selected casks from inland and coastal distilleries are handpicked at the height of their maturation for their unique umami profile. Only 1 in 25,000 casks succeed in bringing this elusive character to life.
A beautifully balanced Scotch of sweet and savory flavors, with notes of blood oranges and red berries, a touch of smoked meat, warming salt and pepper with a long, sweet fruit finish. Best served ice cold with caviar to unlock the full depth of this unique sensory experience.
ABV: 43%