Leopold Sloe Gin 500ml

Leopold Sloe Gin 500ml

Leopold Sloe Gin 500ml
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Leopold Organic Sloe Gin is a 100 % handcrafted wheat gin produced by Distillery Farthofer combined with 6 months macerated organic sloes. The wheat grows on the distillers own farm in Austria and is distilled twice with juniper berries and our leopold spirits recipe of botanicals. The high-proof sloe gin ages up to one year in stainless steel so that it still can better develop its character. After the aging process the Gin gets his drinkable strength of 27% vol. alc. For the refinement, some beet sugar from the house owned farm is added to create a balance of sweet and sourness in smell and taste. Due to the high-water quality of the own springs in upper Austria, the sloe gin gets its very mild and soft finish.
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