Tarsier Southeast Asian Dry Gin 700ml
A contemporary style gin with Southeast Asian signature botanicals of Calamansi, Galangal, Thai Sweet Basil and Kampot Pepper.
From the white sands of Boracay to the street food of Bangkok, the bustling streets of Saigon and the majestic temples of Angkor Wat, Tarsier Gin takes you on a journey of adventure and discovery.
Inspired by the cuisine of Southeast Asia, Tarsier is a citrus forward gin with aromatic & savoury mid-notes and a long peppery finish. Tarsier gin is smooth and moreish, equally enjoyable on the rocks or served in a G&T with lime or grapefruit and ginger.
Juniper, Coriander Seed, Cassia, Angelica, Orris Root, Liquorice Root and Bitter Almond provide a solid foundation for our five signature Southeast Asian botanicals:
Calamansi, Thai Sweet Basil, Galangal and Kampot Pepper deliver a flavour unlike any other. An authentic taste of Southeast Asia.
ABV: 45%